Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Kan Don Ve!

Hm..hm..hm..Caan sau nawn update ka tuah ti lo i, apoi ngai te. Cattial hi ttial lo ah cun ttial thai lo asi ko. Ttial ah cun ttial lengmang asi hoi ko. Tu cu update tuah pah lengmang ka van izuam tthan lai. Zei dah ka lawh tthan hoi te hnga!

Tukum Kumthar zing cu Matthai 7:12 nak, Mi nih kan cung ah tuah hna seh ti nan duh bantuk in mi cung ah va tuah hmasa uh. Cucu nawlbia le Prophet hna muru asi ti kha Bible caang kai zuh. Thawngtha bia chimnak ka nei i, Exodus 33:15 "If you don't go with us, lift us not from here" kaa thim. Bawi Krih he 2010 ah ti khi ka chimcem mi amuru cu asi.

'Welcome 2010! May the Peace of Christ and the power of His presence be all through the journey'


  1. Greetings in name of Jesus! What language is your blog in, I'd like to translate it to read.

    Thank you!



  2. Dear Victoria, Thank you very much for visiting my blog and I would like to apology you for my late reply..:)'cause I did not update it regularly..:)

    I am not sure whether you will be able to translate into English or other languages since it is written in Lai dialect of Burma. Regards...
